Family Movie Nights Begins This Friday

This Friday, November 4th, we will be watching, singing, and most likely dancing to the new classic, Encanto. The movie will start around dusk, but plan to be there around 7:00p. This is an opportunity for not only your family to experience the community of your church but for your friends and neighbors. 


What you need to know: 

1: The movies will be in our parking lot, weather permitting. If the weather is inclement, we will be viewing the movie in our event space.

2: BYOB&C: Bring your own blankets and chairs. Whatever you need to sit comfortably outside to watch a movie with your community.

3: We’ve got the popcorn ready for you. 

At The Movies Begins This Sunday

Only At Water Place

Join us this Sunday to begin our new series, At The Movies. The movies you love are saying more than you know. In every great movie, there are redemptive themes and stories. It is one of the reasons we love them so much. Over the next three weeks, we will be diving into three that have captured not only the hearts of children but adults. 

See you at 10:00a & 11:45a.

 Table On Delk

Hey Family! November 13th at 1:30 pm, we will partner with the Table on Delk to decorate serving bags for women and children. The Table on Delk provides a safe place for those who are currently, or at risk of, being sexually exploited. Here women and children can discover their God-given purpose and worthwhile enjoying a meal that, for some, maybe the only meal received for that day. For more information about the Table on Delk, please visit

This serving opportunity will take place in the Renovation Kids Elementary space located in the upper lobby.

For additional information or ways to get involved, please get in touch with Renovation Community Partners Team Lead Bill at

Get Involved

Pastor Léonce Most Recent Blog


Jim Collins, famous for several books, including the groundbreaking Good to Great, once wrote, “Bad decisions made with good intentions are still bad decisions.” Weighty words and apropos of our time today as we look at the life of my favourite leader. Moses’ life and leadership are the stuff of legend. Though he initially recoiled at the Lord’s “invitation” to lead, no human being has led a larger, more disgruntled group of people in the rest of history. No one has led better. He even showed such humility that he is called the most humble man on earth.

So how did he end up on this list? I am still reeling from the discovery, but it gave me an even greater appreciation for the difficulty of leadership, the kindness of the Lord, and the danger of one unmanaged moment.

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, public speaking is the greatest human fear—more so than death. I contend that if public speaking is the greatest fear—even more significant than death—leading people must be a very close second! In twenty years of leadership, time has proved this to be true from my vantage point, but nothing has been like these last few years. Author, former pastor, and leadership expert John C. Maxwell said that the past three years have been the most challenging season to be a leader he has seen in fifty years of leadership.

Founder and outgoing pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, recently named five storms that the world has weathered in the last few years: global infirmity, social instability, racial inequality, financial insecurity, and political incivility.  Amid all of those storms, culturally, much of what used to be understood norms for leadership has largely vanished. In today’s new world:

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Saturday Morning Prayer

Every Saturday at 9:30a at Water Place